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Healthy Life

A change in the wayyou see your health.

Overview Health Eurostat

Apple Watch and iPhone give insights into your mobility metrics. You can even get alerts if your walking steadiness is low or very low and you’re at an increased risk of falling. In iOS 16, when you set up Sleep Focus in the Health app, you’ll be able to create a custom Home Screen that includes your favorite apps and shortcuts to help you get ready for bed.

  • The impact of these changes to Healthy People will be determined in the coming years.
  • President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Learn how the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition works to motivate people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to lead active, healthy lives.
  • This opens up many possibilities for health to be taught, strengthened and learned.
  • Also, Galaxy Watch wearables user can now exercise more effectively through Life Fitness, Technogym and Corehealth.
  • Modern medical care